Monday, November 18, 2013

The Thrown

To each their own 
leech the thrown
     droning through the tunnel 
     context clues from the light

the day – what is my ruin,
     What will grow the tallest
     I want to be the strongest.

Arrow root shows its anchor
     momentum hard to stop
     projections were unthought, unsought – asked no questions

Withering leaf has lost its shape
     Lost from the branch which it was picked
     A dry afterlife 

Wrinkled eye misses the burden
Aim for the heart and show your hand.

Three in one night

Wander One

Trumping the tramp
who's underwear is on the lamp
is t t -AMP-ering with the original plan of keeping things simple.
Winning some and loosing others, becoming friends, and losing one another.
Surprising moments of lust and wonder, feeling often of loss and plunder.

Who supports the wandering girl when she can't walk anymore?
When do the souls of her feet ware away; stones becoming –sand –becoming –dust
Wander girl, for that is only when I can watch the smile run across your profile, running in front of these eyes; streaking lips,
trust me, that does deliver. 

Juicing your ideas to be indistinguishable by look or texture, but by taste. 
Just let me taste that idea you just had. just just now. When you looked the other way,
across the room, at the low lighting maybe, they just lowered the lighting. 
Why can't it be easier to know what is going in and coming out?
Diet ceasing to fulfill when following that plan, the one we had, both had, as you said, and I remember, I think.
I remember when I thought you were beautiful. 

Seeing you again, flower, still in the vase I placed you in, was a memory. Nothing had to be replaced or imagined, or even pulled from an archive, to know, 
somewhere deep in a heart with veils shrouding arteries, I still think I remember how much I loved you. Growing there since I stopped trying to care. 
Wandering girl does not see the house. Missed the turn, lost the piece of paper, found another way, right back to where she needed to be anyway,
back to where she came from: New York City. New York City or bust. New York City. New York City.

Let New York City take your clothes off and rip them to pulp. Write your first novel on that pulp. Sign your lease with that pulp. Frame that pulp: shredded cloth from that which you wove: and make it your new art. 
God Damn It we lost another one, and I tried to fucking warn 'em. I really fucking tried. I  really really fucking tried.
I mean God DAMN IT NEW YORK CITY! Can we change the subject to how we both agree on cities? Urban versus rural? 
Easy Argument is the name of the band playing tonight, I didn't invite you, but I am sure we will talk about that later. 
Over the phone. 

Can we bring this back? 

Out of state out of mind, in front of you and not remembering. 

All The Truth

Keep those
it was the truth 
groaning on the carpet, dying with winter leaves.
Frightful stomach pains, heedless when hacking and keeling;
stealing strength, stamina, stability, sanity. So hard to stand.
Burning my hands wringing my washcloth. It seemed to happen often enough I started liking it.
With so many habits, they just happen. When I read books I watch it all happen. Projecting all of these characters towards the front, listening to them read to me. I prefer it read aloud to me, when I can hear you understanding the words just as I do, slow enough to understand the words. I have yet to be convinced of anything. 
My math always doesn't add up. Tragic behavior in my living room, waiting for family room, slowly becoming a den. 
Keeping up to this, bad behavior with scrapes and bruises. Don't let me practice kung-fu without stretching, and don't laugh at my sprained wrist. 
Everything is harder when it hurts. 
Lying is all about timing. It was all true before, and it still can be if you follow the shadow into tomorrow. 
Just keep this and you will know this was real, if ever you forget this.

My company has arrived, and before I know it, he's gone again. Not letting me impress anybody; heedless hack, graveling keel, winter leaves call. Keep those, it was all the truth, it was the only truth.


My whole spine is one long bruise
every vertebrae is sinking 
My skeleton is hardly who I was
rough impact with a slipping disk
My finger flesh is turning blue
cut off the blood flow
My knees crack when I run
avoid running 
My brain moves faster than my muscles
avoid mistakes
My eyes fail to see what keeps getting in them
glasses usually get in the way 
My lungs could use a brake
why does health trump habit
My feet need a whole new wardrobe
chasing the bicycle thief
My hair just got a trim
but it really needs a whole do-over
My ears have heard the full spectrum
enlightening but damaging
My nose is stuffed with toxins 
waiting for another long night.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Concealing Scent

look over
water is clouded in the duck park
dusk is beginning
so is my break
all female ducks
drinking, stretching
one quacks
multiple stand on one leg
exposed colors under their wing.

Possessions lay on dry ground.
A shirtless man steps into the fountain,
a coin is tossed to the ledge
spouts are sat on, pinched,      looking to the light, squint.     
Back is covered, chest drips, his hands wipe his face
Evening sun from my right
he notices me on a bench
nothing happens, he is cleaner.

Dad said nothing I wanted to hear.
in our case. It brings closure to a difficult
its not quite all signed off on yet. A few more weeks.
Ducks moved passed, content with asexual environments.
So is he - not with her.
You were so certain.

On the ledge with his shirt on, looking when I look back, he knows I watched. He knows,
I know he is cleaner - cooler, washed of the filth he felt
heat of the moment decision that will never be forgot. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


Crunch ring – ring ring
chatter chat room igniting
Crunch, he takes back his jacket
hand reach for the bottom of grey pockets
keys go outside and inside, door opens
flip rub, sandpaper, rub no lotion
flip, red fire heat, electric #27
Body heat – uh huh
grumble, almost missed it
ran, not to the front
ticket ticket ticket
I took it out his hand ticket
flew out I looked bus goddamn
too big. No vision. Now shadow vision
loos suspension, add U.S.A. under
construction. She is lotioning her hands
oh my savior probably the atom
screwing it all up in the
Grumble is now man made

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Early Eve

hands covered in red she 
said that no bullshit
my throat his hands 
my life three bloody chairs
we had to throw them out....
long list
his name, and mostly women
the other side of me
I don't throw anything away and neither do I
Ha Ha Haaaah, there aint no one can stop me 
she comes out aint no stopping
I've been good, locked in the closet
Own goddamn fault
His own
I know, You know?
I know he
remembering that day
messing with 
Never seen again
and my brother too
15 of us
lost at 8
right around the corner
here but they told me southern
I.D. my I.D.
You need to see it?
Birthday day 
Hype early 
night couch boombox
everything on top 
got the headphones
dresser drawer still cold
ice cold beer
10 pack, no not
Joe selling his
flow in the hood 
on that  guy
17 not 7, it's been longer than that
I miss him, he's my baby
What goes through your mind when you hear a story like that
I have known her a long time
There is not a fence between us
I like your name, and you call me by the fullest
Chance to see inside and out
Hearing sparks of hell
You cool you cool,
my guests, my room.
Giving me work today
better not on last warning
cause night
not gettin there, early and not getting there
love you, 53
love you, 23

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Poem One from When It's On series

When you are quiet

Windows prove their noise canceling

Ability to withstand windy snores

Buttercups are shining yellow

Digesting a late meal of memories in the future.

When quiet, the pops and painless upheaval of

Unconscious propulsion. Planting seeds in desire

Night gardener with little experience

Melting tracks to follow

Demise of the misfit

Mixing bowl catapult

Molasses escapee

There is a mouse trap being reused in the attic

With a cat in the house.

Burden of the empty bottle

Filling out worn skin dressed in ink

When you watch,

Crooked street lights fill the empty ally

Heaven drops the ball.

Drawing on the lecture

At a cluttered table sorting it all


For the reasons you told me to

There are no more groceries

Avoided that cell, a bigger story

You watch the swell, and hold your breath


TOM was glass grown. The insects and hormones and others passive aggressively nudged a jar branded Evolution. As a means of control, seemed animalistic. Tom was a human glass branded, time trialed, scientific experimentation gone unexpected, considering; specific limitations in body strength, confidence, and moralistic mumbo jumbo to be explained later.

Early man was thick hide smeared dusty logic curiosity with drive like a pickup. Pick me up, it’s early.

Tom chased an atom unknowingly with the twitch in his eye. Dead silence, dead being the drab, still humidity whispering warped waves

Crinkled paper was flat, easier to read. Air tight.

Invisible to the naked eyes of Tom’s willingness, accepting, no question, smile smile, coffee cake, make me a real statement not required in written form

All fresh like a peach yee tomato stored in a jar waiting plucked, red all emotional, waiting for the teeth of, some guy, to eat you up on the streets of your favorite city or town, slobbering your guts like, that hurts a little, ….so clear, singing birds and woman and saxophone where do you get off. Tom is expressing that smile smile, unknown flavor of the week, spittin you out next to the jar on a covered porch in America.

Consider absence the subject.

About Me

My photo
American with a little Tidewater, Appalachia, and Yankeedom.