Wednesday, August 10, 2011


TOM was glass grown. The insects and hormones and others passive aggressively nudged a jar branded Evolution. As a means of control, seemed animalistic. Tom was a human glass branded, time trialed, scientific experimentation gone unexpected, considering; specific limitations in body strength, confidence, and moralistic mumbo jumbo to be explained later.

Early man was thick hide smeared dusty logic curiosity with drive like a pickup. Pick me up, it’s early.

Tom chased an atom unknowingly with the twitch in his eye. Dead silence, dead being the drab, still humidity whispering warped waves

Crinkled paper was flat, easier to read. Air tight.

Invisible to the naked eyes of Tom’s willingness, accepting, no question, smile smile, coffee cake, make me a real statement not required in written form

All fresh like a peach yee tomato stored in a jar waiting plucked, red all emotional, waiting for the teeth of, some guy, to eat you up on the streets of your favorite city or town, slobbering your guts like, that hurts a little, ….so clear, singing birds and woman and saxophone where do you get off. Tom is expressing that smile smile, unknown flavor of the week, spittin you out next to the jar on a covered porch in America.

Consider absence the subject.

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American with a little Tidewater, Appalachia, and Yankeedom.