Monday, July 27, 2009

German perspective

Iron is the most
American word
it might be flattening
the whole earth
Capital sinking

or probably forged purity
only still after a steady pour


I calculated how to price
the situation
Advance up in hot
outside trashcan
tall skinny shrubs
that is a closed library
she is eating with a
cell phone on top
of an open computer
while parked
well thats weird
drinking zero calories

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I was able to travel to Anaheim, California for the Episcopal General Convention. I was asked to write about thoughts I had after witnessing discussions, debates, and legislation. My blog post is here. Thank you to the Diocese of Southern Virginia for sponsoring my trip.

Self Deception

exists-in world and in people
as a protection from knowledge
behavior indicative of knowledges effect on individuals

-A folk term used for something which does not exist

〪chosen elegant theory that disconnects from the unnecessary
〪moments of creative leaps

—notes taken by Sara Winston on a lecture
given by Scott Hamilton retranslated

About Me

My photo
American with a little Tidewater, Appalachia, and Yankeedom.