Friday, October 2, 2009

The Green Party

I took off my shirt and realized I wasn’t human. I had been reading about a cave in Latin America and it sounded really beautiful. I never use the internet and my newspapers live next to the microwave. I swore to myself if the radiation from the microwave escaped it would melt the inks of the paper stack, that is a ink blot I want to see, minus the radiation. I grew an extra nipple you know. I am not a fucking alien that can read minds through walls, but I don’t believe in altercations, and I have another nipple. It is not beautiful like the cave in Latin America. Although it is small like a dark mole but more sensitive, I want it removed.

I walked past the microwave and felt my nipples burn. It happened for a year. I walked past the microwave and felt my nipples burn this year, current time, and I was smart enough to invest in a radiation monitor. My grandma is paranoid by radiation. The microwave did not seem to leak, that is what the dial said. There was a party within this time and no one else reported anything regarding nipples. Shitty cause I hate being alone.

I was so excited when I saw the ink blot I decided to act irrationally. After I met with my psychiatrist I went to Ben’s Chili Bowl to let off some steam. I fucking hate my temper recently!

I finished studying the physics and bio chemistry for the evening. I read things aloud to make them sound real. Extra nipple is not in the dictionary which really sucks cause I am still confused and burning a little. Imagine this: a large stack of newspapers with ink smeared like butter. That is really cool and it is my art that I fantasize about. My personalized stationary came in handy for the letter to Guggenheim.

I loved my opening in New York City, the wine was fantastic. Everyone adored the art I hung on T-pins so elegantly. I already made a million dollars. No one knew about me before my million dollars; I liked it more unknown. I moved to Nice. There is a beach that has nude women I am attracted to. I use a toaster oven for everything, and experience zero nipple burning. There is something funny about living in the United States and I think it is related to feeling accepted. That is why I like the green party. An independent man depends on thoughtfulness.

I planted a tree native to the land. Watching it grow will be plenty of pleasure. My wife will never grasp that love.

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American with a little Tidewater, Appalachia, and Yankeedom.